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Your membership supports WAM's development. Supporting a women's museum is important because it helps recognize women's contributions to society. Museums that showcase women help ensure that women's contributions to society are recognized in a way that is proportional to men's contributions. A women's museum can also help bring attention to brilliant female artists by supporting their work and showcasing their art.
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Artist based in British Columbia, Canada
Artist based in Saskatchewan, Canada
The museum recognises that we are located on the traditional lands of the Nehiyaw (Cree), Anishinaabe (Saulteaux), Niitsitapi (Blackfoot), Denesuliné (Dene) and Métis peoples. This region is also known as Amiskwaciy Waskahikan (beaver hills house) in the Cree language.
Le musée reconnaît que nous sommes situés sur les terres traditionnelles des peuples Nehiyaw (Cris), Anishinaabe (Saulteaux), Niitsitapi (Pieds-Noirs), Denesuliné (Dénés) et Métis. Cette région est également connue sous le nom d'Amiskwaciy Waskahikan (maison des collines de castor) dans la langue crie.
Copyright © 2024 Women's Art Museum of Canada - All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2024 Musée d'art de la femme du Canada - Tous droits réservés.